We are a bit concerned like most of you, the new virus is on our minds and the governments in most countries telling people to stay home to flatten the curve. So when we act carefully and responsibly to protect people to slow down virus pandemic most of us stay at home. 

If you find yourself thinking how you will be able to work from home and stay away from comfortable things while working. Because we all lower our guards and get on this home mode and we stop being productive.                As most of you know our Hidden Botanics business is online so I am able to work from anywhere so I will share some of my working routines at home with you.

 A Routine like no other

That's right! You can give a break to work at a time you schedule and have some snacks or do some yoga but you will keep working until you finished your daily goals.

Keep some notes, what needs to be done, what you will eat, piling emails waiting to be answered?

Then schedule yourself an amazing working-at-home plan. You will even feel better because it's all under your control. If you don't watch netflix more than you need..


Wear you fav clothes

We all get comfortable and wear pjs at home but I strongly suggest you to wear your outdoor clothes at home, this makes you more energetic and somehow our brains feel like it is not a day to sleep all day or to go lazy.

I don't mean to wear formal things but at least try wearing something rather than pyjamas. My husband feels the most productive in his t-shirts so this must be a women thing.


Give a break

In the middle of the day or anytime you feel the right time, you can give a break to recharge. Because most of us will be alone so you can do some instagram socialising, take some photographs and update that feed - this is when I update our @hiddenbotanics feed - 


Limit distractions

If you know that you never work at night time and you rather to read books so never schedule work for nighttime. 


No crazy rules

Even for some people tv distracts them, but since I'm working with floral designs I open some Friends Tv series episodes and I work while listening ross and pheoebe's incredible jokes.

Stay Focused

It’s important to stay focused & not get too comfortable at home. Because it’s soo easy to fall into the cozy trap.
Always do your work according to the importance level. I always fail this rule. Because sometimes I start with the easiest work and the worst projects become my night time work, so I am telling you to do the worst part in the morning then you can get cozy slowly.


March 24, 2020 — Cagla Gulsah Kabaca
Tags: studio

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